About us

The Story of THESPIS

is the story of Erwin Javor and, although there are many more exciting stories to tell about Erwin, this one is essential. It is to give an impression of Erwin´s business undertakings, comprising the FRANKSTAHL- and THESPIS-Group. Today, first and foremost, THESPIS is about real estate, with property in Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria and since recently in Canada. It all began 50 years ago …

Erwin Javor, at that time a twenty two year old student, buys the 1880 established Viennese Dipl. Ing. Béla Frank Flanschenfabrik from the widow of the company founder. With that, the foundation of the Javor family-owned enterprises FRANKSTAHL, and later on THESPIS, was established. Rapid expansion led the company to Austria´s market leadership, requiring the relocation of the businesses in 1979 from Vienna to Traiskirchen in Lower Austria and once more in 1986 to Guntramsdorf, south of Vienna, where on 50.000 square meter industrial premises were set up, today still serving FRANKSTAHL as its headquarter....

Erwin establishes THESPIS GmbH, and over the next ten years takes two important strategic decisions: 1996 FRANKSTAHL takes over the business operations, whereas THESPIS retains the property assets. From 1999 on, along with emerging market-oriented structures in Eastern Europe, THESPIS expands through local joint ventures, buying estates together with warehouses, first off in Modletice in the Czech Republic, 2001 in Senec, Slovakia, 2006 in Bucharest and 2014 in Sibiu, Romania. 2008 THESPIS Bulgaria purchases an industrial property in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

1997 to 2012
THESPIS invests on a large scale in industrial and residential real estate. At the FRANKSTAHL industrial site in Guntramsdorf, THESPIS puts up five new warehouses and two office buildings. In Wels, Upper Austria, THESPIS buys a 9.000 square meter industrial plot and refurbishes and extends the premises in 2016. Residential houses are being bought in Vienna´s 1st, 2nd and 19th district, dwellings in the 1st district, a family house in the 19th district, business premises in the 1st and 19th district and Stadttheater Walfischgasse in the 1st district.

Erwin takes another strategic decision by establishing THESPIS Canada Ltd.: Due to the longlasting economic stagnation in Europe, THESPIS increasingly turns its investment focus to North America. By taking a stake in a private Canadian fund, THESPIS participates in the Ontario real estate market and also invests directly in downtown Toronto in upscale residential property.
Already in 2014 Erwin had handed over FRANKSTAHL to his elder son Marcel, who since then leads the company successfully, just as he did together with his father before.

Erwin transfers 18% of THESPIS company shares to his younger son Daniel. The Story of THESPIS, having been written by Erwin Javor, continues for many more years to come.

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